Sunday, January 8, 2012

Video Gaming's List of Who's Who and Where They Stand on SOPA

Video Gaming's List of Who's Who and Where They Stand on SOPAMuch credit to Rock, Paper, Shotgun, for maintaining this registry of members of the Entertainment Software Association and their on-the-record positions regarding the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), a bill almost universally despised by rank-and-file gamers.

Why is this important? The ESA, the industry's principal lobbying arm in the United States, backs SOPA, meaning it does so in their names, even if it contradicts their own individual positions. As we saw last week, some really big names in the business took their names off the official list of supporters of the bill. But those who are still opposed to SOPA may still pressure these companies further by demanding they call for the organization representing them to drop its support. That, however, doesn't appear likely for the near term.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun has culled sources such as publisher's Facebook pages, and has contacted all others for a statement of their positions. It'll update the list as they check in.

For a broader list of supporters of SOPA, and how to contact them, check out this list compiled by Gizmodo

Senate debate of SOPA is set for Jan. 24.

ESA Members And SOPA: Where They Stand [Rock, Paper, Shotgun]


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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Middle-Aged Brains Are Already Past Their Prime

A brain made from colored gears appears inside a gray human head.

You may want to read this twice if you're older than 45. In fact, you may have to.

That's because your mental abilities are already in decline, according to a study of 7,390 British civil servants just published in BMJ, the British Medical Journal.

For men and women who were between 45 and 49 when first tested, the ability to reason declined 3.6 percent over the next decade, the study found. And the decline was even faster for people in their 50s and 60s, especially men.

Other mental abilities that faded included memory, and so-called verbal fluency, which measures a person's ability to quickly say words in a particular category. However, people's vocabulary didn't change.

Previous studies have found little evidence of cognitive decline until people turn 60. But this study was larger than most earlier efforts and took the unusual step of testing each participant three times over 10 years.


The results suggest that efforts to head off mental problems late in life need to begin in middle age, the study's authors write at the end of their paper. These efforts should include "aggressive control" of problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, which are linked to dementia and Alzheimer's disease, they say.

Perhaps, says epidemiologist Francine Grodstein of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, who wrote an editorial accompanying the new study. The problem is that "we don't know yet how to prevent the small amounts of decline which begin to happen at younger ages," she says.

Even so, it may well turn out that the same things that affect memory at older ages also make a difference for younger people, Grodstein says. If so, "living a healthy lifestyle (e.g., a good diet, physical activity, etc.) starting at young ages might protect our brains when we're older," she says.

And even if you notice some lapses in memory as you age, there are likely to be other realms of thinking and decision-making where you improve. Barbara Strauch, author of The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain: The Surprising Talents of the Middle-Aged Mind, says people's feeling of well-being is highest when they hit middle age. And some research indicates that older brains are better at solving problems than younger ones.


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Dogs really do know what you're thinking

Scientists have finally proven what every dog owner knows ? our canine friends read our facial expressions like dedicated detectives. Dogs don?t just depend on verbal commands, they look deeply into our eyes and try to guess what we?re up to, according to a new study.


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Friday, January 6, 2012

'The Hoff' crab is new ocean find

The team used a remotely operated vehicle to film the hairy yeti crabs (Footage: Nerc Chesso Consortium.)

UK scientists have found prodigious numbers of a new crab species on the Southern Ocean floor that they have dubbed "The Hoff" because of its hairy chest.

The animal was discovered living around volcanic vents off South Georgia.

Great piles of the crabs were seen to come together.

The creature has still to be formally classified, hence the humorous nickname that honours the often bare-chested US actor David Hasselhoff.

It is, however, a type of yeti crab, said Professor Alex Rogers who led the research cruise that found the animal, and it will be given a formal scientific name in due course.

Yeti crabs were first identified in the southern Pacific and are recognised for their hairs, or setae, along their claws and limbs that they use to cultivate the bacteria which they then eat.

But the new species found around the vents that populate the East Scotia Ridge are slightly different in that they exhibit long setae on their ventral surface - on their undersides.

"Their nickname on the cruise ship was the 'Hasselhoff crab', which gives you some idea of what they look like," explained Dr Rogers from Oxford University's Department of Zoology.

"The crab occurs in staggering densities. It is just incredible to see these animals literally lying in heaps around the diffuse flow of these vents.

"In places, they reached as many as 600 individuals per square metre."

The Hoff crab is just one of a number of species new to science to come out of the cruise, which also included researchers from the University of Southampton, the National Oceanography Centre and the British Antarctic Survey.

The team reports novel types of starfish, barnacles, sea anemones, and even an octopus - all living some 2,500m down.

The cruise employed the UK deep-diving robotic submersible, Isis, to investigate the slowly spreading ridge near Antarctica.

It is dotted with hydrothermal vents - cracks in the volcanic rock where mineral-rich, hot waters gush from below the seabed to sustain an extraordinary array of organisms.

What surprised the team was not so much what they found, but rather what was absent.

Vent systems in other parts of the world are dominated by animals such as tubeworms, mussels, other types of crab, and shrimps. These were all missing from the East Scotia Ridge.

This is fascinating because the cruise was originally initiated to investigate the hypothesis that the Southern Ocean acted as a gateway between the other major oceans of the world, allowing for the dispersal of vent organisms over geological timescales.

It was thought the Southern Ocean's strong currents might help drive species from one ocean basin to another, and finding a very diverse group of animal types also at East Scotia Ridge would have been a powerful statement in support of this dispersal hypothesis.

The team did see some similarities - such as barnacles that were very similar to Pacific crustaceans, and limpets that looked the same as some Atlantic forms - but nothing like what had been expected.

"We think the very harsh conditions of Antarctic waters, particularly in terms of their extreme seasonality, probably act as a barrier to some of the vent fauna," explained Professor Rogers.

"What we've found is a much more complex situation than we were anticipating, and this has pretty much changed our ideas about how vent organisms are distributed at a global scale."

The results of the cruise are reported in this week's edition of the journal PLoS Biology. and follow me on Twitter


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USA Network Schedules 'Fairly Legal' And 'In Plain Sight' On Friday ...

Nellie Andreeva

After two and a half years, USA Networks? originals are back on Friday night. The second season of network?s Fairly Legal and the fifth and final cycle of In Plain Sight will air on the night starting March 16. For a long time, Friday was USA?s signature night of original scripted series where the network launched Monk, Psych and most recently White Collar in the fall of 2009. USA left Friday after that but network co-chief Jeff Wachtel indicated that reclaiming the night was a priority.

Like Deadline and get the latest up to date industry news sent straight to your Wall.

TV Editor Nellie Andreeva - tip her here.


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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Saudi to apply law for women only to sell lingerie

FILE - In this Wednesday, March 25, 2009 file photo, a Saudi woman holding a child checks out lingerie at a store in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia says starting Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012, only females can work in women's lingerie stores. The 2006 law banning men from working in female apparel and cosmetic stores has never been put into effect, partly due to hard-liners in the religious establishment who oppose the whole idea of women working where men and women congregate together, like malls. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File)

FILE - In this Wednesday, March 25, 2009 file photo, a Saudi woman holding a child checks out lingerie at a store in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia says starting Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012, only females can work in women's lingerie stores. The 2006 law banning men from working in female apparel and cosmetic stores has never been put into effect, partly due to hard-liners in the religious establishment who oppose the whole idea of women working where men and women congregate together, like malls. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File)

(AP) ? Saudi Arabia said Monday it will begin enforcing a law that allows only females to work in women's lingerie and apparel stores, despite disapproval from the country's top cleric.

The 2006 law banning men from working in female apparel and cosmetic stores has never been put into effect, partly because of view of hard-liners in the religious establishment, who oppose the whole idea of women working where men and women congregate together, like malls.

Saudi women ? tired of having to deal with men when buying undergarments ? have boycotted lingerie stores to pressure them to employ women. The government's decision to enforce the law requiring that goes into effect Thursday.

The country is home to Islam's holiest site in the city of Mecca and follows an ultra-conservative form of the religion known as Wahhabism.

The kingdom's religious police, under the control of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, enforce Saudi Arabia's strict interpretation of Islam, which prohibits unrelated men and women from mingling. Women and men in Saudi Arabia remain highly segregated and are restricted in how they are allowed to mix in public.

The separation of men and women is not absolute. Women in Saudi Arabia hold high-level teaching positions in universities and work as engineers, doctors, nurses and a range of other posts.

The strict application of Islamic law forced an untenable situation in which women, often accompanied by uncomfortable male relatives, have to buy their intimate apparel from men behind the counter.

Over the past several weeks, some women have already begun working in the stores. Although the decision affects thousands of men who will lose their sales jobs, the Labor Ministry says that over 28,000 women, many of them South Asian migrants, have already applied for the jobs.

Saudi's Arabia's most senior cleric, Sheik Abdul-Aziz Al Sheikh, spoke out against the Labor Ministry's decision in a recent sermon, saying it contradicts Islamic law.

"The employment of women in stores that sell female apparel and a woman standing face to face with a man selling to him without modesty or shame can lead to wrongdoing, of which the burden of this will fall on the owners of the stores," he said, urging store owners to fear God and not compromise on taboo matters.

Associated Press


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Trailer for Netflix?s first original series hits the web (Yahoo! News)

Despite a somewhat rough year, streaming media and DVD rental giant?Netflix is updating its viewing options with new original content, including its first original series. Called?Lilyhammer, it's the unlikely story of an American mobster who relocates to the small Norwegian town of Lilyhammer as part of the witness protection program.

The Sopranos actor Stephen Van Zandt plays the mobster, and the trailer offers some tantalizing glimpses of what should prove to be an interesting fish-out-of-water story as an East Coast gangster who may or may not be completely over his less-than-legal ways tries to adjust to life in a completely different environment.

Lilyhammer isn't the first original content purchased by Netflix. Back in March, the company announced that it had outbid giants including HBO and AMC for a series called?House of Cards. According to?Netflix's blog, that series will air in late 2012.

Interestingly, Netflix has decided to release the entire?Lilyhammer series ? eight episodes total?? at the same time, so viewers will be able to watch it all at once if they'd like. It's an interesting and potentially risky move, but we assume that they're banking on fans helping spread the word virally, linking and sharing episodes to build buzz. Only time will tell if Netflix's gamble pays off!

Business Insider via?Gizmodo

This article was written by Katherine Gray and originally appeared on Tecca

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Clashes follow teen protester's funeral in Bahrain (AP)

MANAMA, Bahrain ? Riot police in Bahrain fired tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades as they clashed Sunday with hundreds of opposition supporters, some hurling Molotov cocktails, following the politically charged funeral of a 15-year-old boy.

Thousands of opposition supporters carrying Bahraini flags and chanting anti-government slogans converged on the island of Sitra, south of the capital Manama, to mourn the death of Sayed Hashim Saeed. They are demanding that police be tried for the deaths of some 40 people since protests began in February.

Police earlier tried to seal off the site of the funeral to prevent crowds from gathering.

The clash on Sitra marks the latest burst of violence in more than 10 months of confrontations and widespread street protests on the strategic Gulf island nation, which is home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet. The country's Shiite-led opposition is pressing for greater rights and reforms from the country's Sunni monarchy.

The opposition says the teenager died Saturday after a tear gas canister fired at close range hit him in the chest.

Jaffer al-Sheik, 40, who identified himself as a relative of Saeed, said after the funeral that the boy died while participating in a protest march. He said the canister fired by riot police caused burns on Saeed's chest arm and head.

The Interior Ministry has raised questions about the circumstances of Saeed's death, saying that burns on the boy's body could not have come from a tear gas canister. It has asked the public prosecutor to investigate.

A statement signed by six opposition groups condemned Sunday's attack on the funeral procession.

"We reaffirm our commitment to nonviolence," the statement said. "We call on the government to stop its policy of repression... and bring to trial those accused to respond to the legitimate demands of the Bahraini people."

Also Sunday, Bahrain's new police chief announced that the kingdom would hire an additional 500 police officers "from all sections of Bahrain society," according to a statement from the country's Information Affairs Authority. The official, Tariq Alhassan, said the extra officers would work only in communities from where they were recruited.

Bahrain's Shiites have long complained of systematic discrimination that largely keeps them out of state security forces and top government jobs.

The government has vowed to undertake reforms following the release of a report in November that outlined human rights abuses carried out by the government during this year's unrest.


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Monday, January 2, 2012

Santorum events jammed as candidate rises in polls

Republican presidential candidate former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum speaks to local residents during a campaign stop at the Daily Grind coffee shop, Sunday, Jan. 1, 2012, in Sioux City, Iowa. Republican presidential candidates are largely shifting from persuading voters to mobilizing them for Tuesday's caucuses. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Republican presidential candidate former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum speaks to local residents during a campaign stop at the Daily Grind coffee shop, Sunday, Jan. 1, 2012, in Sioux City, Iowa. Republican presidential candidates are largely shifting from persuading voters to mobilizing them for Tuesday's caucuses. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Republican presidential candidate former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum looks on as he waits to speak to local residents during a campaign stop at the Daily Grind coffee shop, Sunday, Jan. 1, 2012, in Sioux City, Iowa. Republican presidential candidates are largely shifting from persuading voters to mobilizing them for Tuesday's caucuses. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

(AP) ? Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum smiled Sunday as he told the story of a campaign event he held a few months ago.

"The audience was one, but it turned out all right," said Santorum. Things have changed.

He began his campaign day at the Daily Grind, a downtown Sioux City coffee shop that's very popular ? but nothing like it was on Sunday, when it was so jammed that movement was next to impossible.

"I hope you sold a few cups of coffee," Santorum told operators as he wrapped up his event.

Later, in Orange City, far from the state's population centers, hundreds of Santorum backers jammed a bank conference room, spilling out into the hallway.

As the former Pennsylvania senator's poll numbers have improved, the feel of his campaign events has changed dramatically, and the candidate himself is distinctly upbeat. He has worked for years to build his ties to Iowa's potent conservative electorate, and there are signs it could be paying off.

Santorum stops short of saying "I told you so," but not by much.

"From the very beginning, I said I would trust the people of Iowa," said Santorum. "Our support is rallying and rising here."

Throughout the day, he targeted the conservative activists who pushed his rise in the polls, telling them they can send a message about family and faith by giving him a solid showing in Iowa's leadoff caucuses.

"If you fight for what's right you will send a loud and clear message to the world about where the heartland of America is looking," Santorum told supporters.

"The key is to understand that the foundation of America is family and faith," he said. "This is a decision about what kind of America we are going to hand to your children and grandchildren."

There are signs that Santorum's diligent efforts in Iowa are paying dividends.

"He's been here a lot and shakes hands with people," said Jim Gilbert of Sioux City. "When you ask him a question, he looks you in the eye and answers you."

"He's a family person," said Kathy Gilbert of Sioux City. "It's like a neighbor. It takes a while to get to know them, but when you do they're a friend for life."

John McCarthy of Sioux City said he appreciates the dogged campaign style.

"We're pretty basic," said McCarthy. "We like the face-to-face stuff. Maybe we're not as impressed by star power as other parts of the country."

As Santorum's standing in the polls has increased, some of his rivals have begun attacking him. He says he's ready for that criticism and he's been through tough campaigns before.

"This is not my first rodeo," said Santorum. "Our family has talked about it. I've had tough elections before."

"The pundits say I can't win, but the people, you, are doing the job of Iowans," said Santorum. "You fight to be first because you take the responsibility seriously. I believed from the beginning that the people of Iowa would give us our bump because we have worked for it. Now, it's Iowa's turn to provide leadership."

Logistically, he's put in place more than 1,100 precinct captains to convince the undecided on Tuesday.

"Maybe a third of the people will be undecided," he told supporters. "Help them make up their minds."

Associated Press


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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lindsay Lohan to Ring in NYE at Dubai Rager?

Despite her claims to have passed on New Year's gigs to focus on turning over a new leaf, Lindsay Lohan will ring in 2012 at a RAGING PARTY in Dubai.

So says an overseas party planning company, at least.

Lohan claims that's complete BS though, and is threatening legal action, saying they're just using her name to promote the event, according to TMZ.

Lindsay is reportedly pissed, and rightfully so, that she's been tied to a NYE bash on the Queen Elizabeth 2 cruise ship in Dubai, since she ain't going.

Lindsay in Black

Her always-busy legal team is pounding out a cease and desist letter claiming that she can and is prepared to sue if they continue to lie about Lohan's NYE plans.

Lohan's rep, Steve Honig, says in a statement:

"Lindsay is not going to Dubai, nor had she ever considered doing so. She will be spending New Year's Eve in L.A. with a few close friends and family."

Sorry, people of Dubai. If you want to overpay to party with a celeb who actually will show up, and be painfully boring, go check out Kim Kardashian at Tao Las Vegas.



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