Sunday, July 15, 2012

Best Free Windows 7 Registry Cleaner Software

The category of ?best? can be argued as being subjective or up to an individual?s personal opinion. However, this nuance doesn?t concern consumers; when you buy something you want to know what product is the best based on collective analysis. Consumers are rarely interested in debating the finer points of the subjectivity of consumer reviews. This goes for every product, but it is especially important in the world of technology. Technological products require a special monetary investment and you want to make sure your money is well spent on them every penny.

If you are a Windows 7 user and are looking for a way to bolster your PC?s usability in the form of a registry cleaner, then you may find yourself wondering what is the best free registry cleaner Windows 7. Or is there even a good free download registry cleaner Windows 7? Free Windows 7 registry cleaner is possible, but it requires you to do a little more investigative work vis a vis your PC registry and the pros and cons of registry cleaner use. Thus, this topic reinforced the importance of being an active and engaged PC user, one who is always proactive and never ignorant of their computer and its various complex systems.

The Windows registry is a delicate yet indispensable part of the PC experience. Without the registry, your PC would not be able to run the various files and applications associated with the Windows interface. This is because the Windows registry acts as a catalog that houses all of the DLL files that run programs and apps in a hierarchically organized order. It is a command center that enables a smooth and successful user experience. Unless, of course, something goes wrong with it. Then the PC registry can become a PC nightmare.

When your PC registry breaks down you will notice it because you will feel as though you have been transported back to either the Stone Age or the Ice Age. The Stone Age feeling will come from a PC that takes what seems like years to load programs and apps. The slowness will feel almost unbearable and have you craving the modernity of speed. The Ice Age feeling will come when your computer perpetually freezes up and won?t allow you to do any work at all. Heck, you may even feel that you have been transported to Armageddon since problems with the registry can lead your computer to crash into smithereens. Whatever symptoms you experience, they will be frightfully annoying. So how does all this happen?

The PC registry encounters problems when it becomes loaded with files that are old and useless or when it gets attacked by a virus. The system gets out of order and can no longer perform its basic tasks on an efficient level. When something goes wrong with the Windows registry, it needs to be fixed and fixed fast.

There is always the option to manually restore your PC registry, but this method takes too long and very few people have the expertise required to really know how to restore their Windows registry. Since manual repair isn?t really a real option, the only other alternative left is to engage registry repair software.

Registry repair software does all the tedious work of registry cleaning for you. You get to sit back and relax and keep your hands relatively clean. Registry repair software goes into your PC registry and scans for files that are old and useless or even harmful. It then identifies these files, gets rid of them and reorganizes the registry. Pretty easy, but registry cleaners aren?t perfect: they can sometimes accidentally delete files that are crucial to your Windows interface and sometimes they miss the files that are the real problem. When this happens, you can always reinstall your original Windows registry, but this requires that you back up your Windows registry in the first place. Many PC users do not do this automatically, but luckily a good registry cleaner will do this for you as protection against registry cleaner errors.

There are both free and paid versions of registry cleaner software. Many tech experts recommend paid versions simply because they have better design and better accountability due to the fact that their designers earn money for putting their creativity to use by making the programs. Still, free registry repair is not out of the question and there are a few very good free registry cleaners on the market. But you have to know how and where to look for them.

One free Windows 7 registry cleaner is CCleaner. CCleaner has built up a solid reputation in the tech community and among its users because it provides basic registry repair services that makes repair easy and efficient. CCleaner is easy to use and will scan and re-organize your registry while allowing you to monitor the process. It also backs up your original Windows 7 registry for safety purposes.

Another highly respected Windows 7 registry cleaner is RegCure. RegCure is used by 60 million people worldwide because it blends an intuitive user interface with high powered registry cleaning and reorganization capabilities and excellent customer service to boot. It also backs up users original registries as a protective measure and thus really can be seen as a bargain. Basically, RegCure is so good because it includes all the beneficial features of a paid registry cleaner service for free.

Finding and taking advantage of registry cleaner services is no joke. It requires you to think critically and investigate the options out there so that you can distinguish the good from the bad. In an unstable economy we are all looking for ways to save some money and it is a relief to know that your penny pinching won?t be detrimental to your computer as long as you get the right kind of registry cleaner software. Don?t download software in a comatose state?wake up and pay attention and make you choose software that you have investigated first.


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