Monday, October 29, 2012

Kitchen Table Writers: A Writer's LIfe

It?s going to be a busy winter for me, by the looks of things. And quite a successful one on a number of levels, I?m hoping.

I?m looking forward to my children?s book Tough Luck being released before Christmas.

The next Scriptor Anthology, containing two of my stories, is coming out very soon.

And I?ve just heard that I?ve sold a story to Chuffed Buff Books - a publisher of fiction and poetry books that I?ve long admired. I love their website

and the blog that accompanies it. The story they?ve taken is called The Illuminated Back and takes the form of a slightly magical tale about an aromatherapist.?

As usual, I?m busy with both my Open College of the Arts students and my private clients, especially those on the KITCHEN TABLE NOTEPAD PROGRAMME.?

And I?ve been asked to part-write the next upgraded Open College of the Arts Creative Writing course; this will be a new second level course looking at writing the short story to replace the module as it stands at the moment. I?m really looking forward to working with two other writers on this new material. We?ve been given 3 months to do this.

I guess I?ll squeeze Christmas in somewhere, but I?m not sure if it will be on the right date!?


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